Deep Breath; inhale……..
Dear ex husband:
I’m so sorry that I hurt you
I’m sorry I caused you pain
You were the one I was meant to spend the rest of my life with, the one I pledged my vows to. We were meant to grow old together. I loved you; I really loved you with all my heart.
Alas this was not meant to be, not the way things worked out. Sometimes life changes course. It’s no use looking at how it unfolded with tons and tons of remorse.
Communication was lacking and it’s not anyone’s fault I should have communicated to you how I was feeling, but I had become so good at concealing.
Now its time we both move on, now that the initial hurt is gone away. I choose to remember the good times we had, I choose them over all the bad.
I wish you all the happiness this world could offer, for I have found it in the arms of another. I wish you a love that knows no bounds, one like I have found, one that know no bounds.
I wish you peace and comfort, health and wealth too. These wishes really come from my my heart. From me to you.
Well done xxx