The other day while pondering upon life's mysteries I counted all the things that I do or have done as a mother, wife teacher etc and this is what I came up with;
Home executive, Diva of domestication, I.T. consultant, google /search engine specialist (especially when needed to do Internet research for projects) Taxi/lift co-ordinater/ Travel consultant, sibling rivalry negotiator and facilitator, part-time short order cook, Chef and Sandwich maker, tea/coffee girl, Hostess, Make-up artist(for concerts and such)Creative accountant, fashion consultant "honey does this tie go with this shirt?")chief clothing buyer, Pantry stock er and all round shopping officer, Bath and shower singer, Washing and ironing expert, Amateur lounge entertainer (when guests come over and it literally is in my lounge)family Psychiatrist, Sexologist, 24 hour Nurse (always on call) Spiritual advisor, Sexual fulfilment participator, keeper of family secrets, Imagination enabler, Home decorator, Television viewer and part time remote control holder, Education specialist, Parent teacher conference holder, Pet feeder, Curfew manager, mail box checker, and avid supporter of reaching for your dreams.
All of these things are usually just a part of our every day life, and we wonder why we are so tired at the end of the day.
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